Sunday, December 5, 2010

lumby udpates

Mike, some Lumby updates :)
Ellie and her new dog toy that comes with a real blow dryer (see below)

Set of Ellie's doggie's tools.

Mike, your room has become a bodega :P

Mike, Dad thought your trash can was really a trash can. Don't worry he's stopped using it, since we told him it is just decorative.

Ellie is inis that I keep taking her picture.

Yummy yummy ribs for lunch!

Ellie's owie!

Dad's shennanigans while Mom is fixing Xmas decor... Belen as soliders?

Dad's belen firing squad.


  1. oh! i was wondering why they were all lined up like that.........

  2. the dog with the parlor accessories is our Christmas gift to ellie, given in november. because she insisted that i haaaaaaaad to buy it already and she haaaaaaaaaad to be allowed to play with it already

  3. oh and mike, don't worry, it was all dry trash :D
